Wednesday, May 29, 2013

China Hacks Patriot Missile Blue Prints

     WASHINGTON- A hacker from China is said to have gained access to the design of more than two dozen major weapons systems in the United States. Quoting a report prepared for the Department of Defense by the Defense Science Board, the Washington Post said the successful hack included theft of blue prints for types of aircraft and ships, as well as the importance of missile defense for Europe, Asia, and the Gulf.

      Among the weapons listed in the report are a sophisticated system of Patriot missiles, ballistic missile defense system of the Navy, the F/A-18 fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, Black Hawk helicopters, and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

      The report did not say when the cyber theft was done or who was involved. But the tactics used, such as the ability to paralyze and destroy data communications, refer to the origin of Chinese hackers.

      In a report to Congress this month, the Pentagon said that China uses cyber espionage to modernize its military and hacking because of serious concern. The U.S. government is said to be the target of hacking and is "directly attributable to the Chinese government and military."

      China has denied the report and has declared it unfounded.

      Previously, a computer security firm Mandiant says a Chinese secret military unit, 31698,  may be behind a series of hacking attacks in the U.S.. A total of 100 U.S. companies are rumored to have been the victims of these attacks.

This document translated with google translator and edited for clarity.

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